UKUH Researcher Biographies

Dr Heather Buss - Challenge 3

I am an Associate Professor in Biogeochemical Weathering in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, and have held a permanent position at Bristol since 2011. Previously I was a Research Scientist at the US Geological Survey (USGS) after doing a National Research Council (USA) postdoctoral fellowship there. I did my PhD (2006) in Geosciences at Penn State with Professor Susan Brantley, with emphasis in biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology in the context of chemical weathering at rock-soil interfaces. My current research involves (i) the effects of subsurface energy exploitation on native microbial communities and geomicrobiological reactions, (ii) reactivity of phosphorus-containing minerals in aquifers and their impact on phosphate fluxes to surface waters, (iii) identifying  incipient weathering reactions and their impact on critical zone formation, and (iv) tracing and interpreting mineral nutrient transformations and fluxes in soils as a function of land use, lithology, and climate.


Last modified: Wed, 09 Dec 2020 17:10:47 GMT