UKUH Researcher Biographies
Professor Al Fraser - Challenge 2
Previously, Al worked for BP as a Petroleum Geologist/Exploration Manager for over 30 years. After an introduction to the oil industry in the early days of the North Sea, his career in petroleum exploration, took him to most corners of the world including N. America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Far East. Following the BP Amoco merger, he led the team which made the significant Plutonio discovery in Block 18, deepwater Angola. He is the author of many papers on the Petroleum Geology of extensional basins most notably on the North Sea Jurassic and northern England Carboniferous.
He continues to pursue his interests in the Unconventional Resource potential of the UK and petroleum systems modelling using novel magnetic tracing techniques. He is PI for Challenge 2 (Resources) of the NERC/ESRC UK Unconventional resources project.
Areas of current research include the following:
• Shale Oil & Gas potential of the northern England Carboniferous and the Jurassic of southern England
• Using magnetic techniques to calibrate hydrocarbon migration in petroleum systems modelling
Al was recently awarded the Geological Society Silver Medal for excellence in Exploration.
Last modified: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 18:01:46 GMT