Green Recovery
Climate Exp0 Presentation Value of geological resources in Net Zero: Lessons from onshore oil and gas in the UK
Climate Exp0 is the first virtual conference from the COP26 Universities Network and the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development on the run-up to COP26. We were part of the Green Recovery session on Monday 17 May. The full programme can be accessed here and our presentation can be viewed here.
Our presentation drew on lessons from ways in which the shale gas extraction industry progressed from being promoted by government as an enabler of decarbonisation and an opportunity for job creation to being abandoned, amidst public outcry, little more than a decade later. This was conducted through an interdisciplinary analysis of the ways in which the UK shale gas industry and its supporters proceeded, and the ways in which the opposing side responded.
Through this paper we highlighted lessons learnt from our research into shale fail. We analysed the key challenges from a scientific, technical, regulatory, political and community perspective based on our previous research, with a focus on social inclusion and safeguarding natural capital.
Last modified: Tue, 25 May 2021 15:28:37 BST