UKUH Finale

Professor Michael Bradshaw

Michael Bradshaw is Professor of Global Energy in the Strategy and International Business Group at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Geography from the University of Birmingham, an MA in Economic Geography from the University of Calgary and a PhD in Geography from the University of British Columbia, Canada. At WBS his teaching focuses on managing sustainable energy transitions. He is the academic lead for the University’s Global Research Priority on Energy. He is the author of Global Energy Dilemmas (2014, Polity Press), co-editor of Global Energy: Issues, Potentials and Policy Implications (2015, Oxford University Press), and co-author of Energy and Society: A Critical Perspective (2018, Routledge) and Natural Gas (2020, Polity Press). He is the Editor-in-Chief of Geography Compass. He has recently started a 5-year programme of research on the UK’s energy transition in global context for the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)—where he is a Co-Director—and is monitoring and assessing the UK shale gas landscape (Challenge 1) as part of a 4-year NERC/ESRC research programme on Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System. He has recently published papers in: Energy Policy, Energy Research & Social Science, Energy Strategy Review, Extractive Industries and Society, Eurasian Geography, Global Environmental Change, International Affairs, Nature and Energy Strategy Review.

Last modified: Mon, 16 May 2022 16:36:19 BST