UKUH Finale

Professor Richard Davies

Prof. Richard Davies is Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Global at Newcastle University.  He is PI for UKUH Challenge 1 (Assessing and Monitoring the UK Shale Gas Landscape) and leads ReFINE. He is the lead author on the influential paper that was the basis for part of the Infrastructure Act (2015) that prohibited fracking within 1 km of the land surface. He is involved in several NERC-led shale initiatives and has worked with NERC and UKRI in regard to industry liaison and energy since 2004.

Professor Davies is a petroleum geologist, who started his career with various postings in the UK and abroad in the oil and gas industry, mainly with ExxonMobil.  He has published around 100 papers.  He has held a number of pan-university leadership roles including the founder and first Director of the Durham Energy Institute at Durham University. He later became Dean for Knowledge Exchange and Impact and was responsible for implementing the University's strategy for research impact.

Last modified: Mon, 16 May 2022 16:37:10 BST