Dr Darrick Evensen Shake, quake, or fake? Comparing BGS expected intensity modelling, felt reports, Tweets, and public perceptions
Dr Mark IrelandDeveloping Deep Science Laboratories from the Shale Gas Legacy
Dr Mel RohseUnderground energy on-the-ground: risk perception, community engagement and lessons learned for geothermal energy in a post-shale energy landscape
Dr Emily CoxPerception spillover effects of fracking
Dr Nicola De-PaolaTesting the limitations of empirical traffic light systems used to manage the hazard of fluid induced seismicity
Dr Joanna HolmgrenBaseline seismic monitoring survey for UKGEOS Glasgow geothermal production using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
Dr Owen KingPublic engagements with induced seismicity:
Dr Kathryn LeemingEffective monitoring of the environment before, during and after sub-surface activities
Dr Robin ThomasNumerical geomechanics study of the influence of injection scenarios to quantify seismic hazard at Preston New Road
Dr Mel Rohse and Dr Stacia RyderEmbedding EDI in working parctices
Open Call Presentations