Unconventional Hydrocarbons - UK Energy System

Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System (UKUH)

Environmental and socio-economic impacts and processes

The focus of the NERC and ESRC jointly funded Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System Programme is to improve the understanding of unconventional hydrocarbon development in the UK, taking a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to identifying the potential environmental, social and economic impacts. The overarching objective of this research programme is to significantly improve the scientific evidence base on shale gas as a potential energy resource for the UK as well as developing our understanding of the governance, public / political acceptance and wider societal aspects.

Finale Event

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Annual Science Meeting

Workshop Event: The Future of Natural Gas in the UK’s Energy System

The Future of Natural Gas in the UK’s Energy System: Managing Energy Security Challenges & Transition Risks

UKUH Shard Finale

The event marked the culmination of our four year, £8M multidisciplinary research programme.

Why fracking holds such symbolic power for the Conservative right

New article in The Conversation from Dr. Laurence Williams.

New Job Alert: Research Fellow at Warwick Business School

Warwick Business School is hiring a Research Fellow for Strategy & International Business to work on "UK Energy in Global Context" and UKUH.

Mark Ireland and Rachel Brown in ECIU Insights

Mark Ireland and Rachel Brown have co-authored a piece with Dr. Jo Hawkins in The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit's Insights, "Fracking for energy security in the UK: 4 key considerations for government."

UKUH Researchers' Article on Fracking in The Conversation

In response to rising gas prices and the debate on shale gas extraction in the UK, several members of the UKUH team have written an article in The Conversation.

Emily Cox writes UKERC blog

Data collected by Emily Cox and Steve Westlake as part of their UKUH Open Call Project

Ongoing Gas Crisis

Mike Bradshaw of C1 is quoted in The Guardian

UKUH PI, Richard Davies, leads a new consortium

UKUH PI, Richard Davies, leads new consortium to support the UK’s energy transition to Net Zero:

Further dates available in the Insight Discussion series

The series proved to be very popular over the summer, two more dates have been secured.

UKUH 4th Integration Events 2022

UKUH final Integration Event to be held in two parts

Article by Professor Michael Bradshaw - Gas Price Spike

Gas price spike: how UK government failures made a global crisis worse. Published 20 September, 2021

Brexit, Net-Zero and the Future

Benchmark Report published by Nicolas Solman and Michael Bradshaw

UKUH News: C1 & C4

Following the retirement of Professor Rob Ward in June we welcome new members to the C1 & C4 Team

Annual Science Meeting - 9 September 2021

Virtual Event using an online platform to facilitate an informal poster presentation section and delegate networking

Insight Discussions

Session 3 Wednesday 11 August 09:00 - 10:00

University of Exeter's Green Futures Conference

Timed to coincide with the G7 Summit, Professor Devine-Wright and Dr Stacia Ryder present at the Green Futures Conference

New Paper: Suitability of legacy subsurface data

The work, published in Frontiers in Earth Sciences, is a contribution from the UKUH Programme, and looks at how the coverage and quality of existing subsurface data may impact decision making for subsurface energy systems.

Devolution and Localism - March 2021

UKUH Benchmark Report by Matthew Cotton, Adrian Gonzalez and Jennifer Dickie

Green Recovery

Climate Exp0 Presentation Value of geological resources in Net Zero: Lessons from onshore oil and gas in the UK

Open Call Awards Funded

NERC-ESRC Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System Programme announce funded projects

Public lecture on 'shale fail'

Patrick Devine-Wright gave a talk Tackling 'shale fail': reflections on public perceptions

Still waiting on ‘Gas by Design’

Following the government's White Paper, Prof Mike Bradshaw discusses the role of natural gas in meeting Net Zero

BBC Radio Interview

Dr Darrick Evensen discussed research into concerns about environment during the pandemic

Open Call funding Applications

The announcements of the Open Call Funding will be published at the end of January 2021.

A Brief History of the UK's Political Debate over Shale Gas, 2009 - 2019

Laurence Williams, Abigail Martin and Benjamin K Sovacool, University of Sussex

Briefing Paper Published on Shale Gas and the UK’s Low Carbon Transition

Dr Laurence Stamford, The University of Manchester

Shale Gas and Crime

Shale gas development and crime: A review of the literature

Researchers' Perspectives

UKUH launches a new platform for its researchers and academics to offer their expert observations and viewpoints on a specific theme relating to shale gas.

Shale Gas and Community Distress

Shale Gas Development and Community Distress: Evidence from England

UKUH Publish 1st Benchmark Report - Shale Gas and UK Energy Security

Benchmark Report written by Nicholas Solman and Michael Bradshaw

Analysis of UK shale policy debate

Researchers from the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex have published their analysis of UK policy debate on shale gas development in Global Environmental Change.

UK National Survey of Public Attitudes

Darrick Evensen, Patrick Devine-Wright and Lorraine Whitmarsh report the initial findings of their national survey

The Public Perception of Fracking

Laurence Williams outlines his current research in Energy World magazine.

Real-time monitoring at a fracking site

Air quality and greenhouse gas monitoring at the PNR site

Launch Event

Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System Launch Event

Challenge 5 Kick-off Meeting

Professor Michael Bradshaw chairs kick-off meeting

Funding granted

UKUH Award Announced